Co-op Plaza Redevelopment
Brattleboro, VT
Size57,200 sf
Category Sustainability Features•Heat reclamation system
•Natural lighting
•100 year slate siding
Baseline: 50 kBtu/ft2/yr
Target: 10 kBtu/ft2/yr
EPA’s National Award for Smart Growth Achievement
AIA/HUD Secretary’s Award for Creating Community Connection
AIA VT Excellence in Architecture Design – Merit Award
- Knight Consulting Engineers, Structural
- Kohler & Lewis, Mechanical
- Pearson & Associates, Electrical
- Wagner Hodgson, Landscape
Baybutt Construction, Contractor
Mixed Use Urban Building Supports Local Businesses and Residents
The Brattleboro Co-op in conjunction with Housing Vermont and Windham Housing Trust commissioned gbA to design a new four story mixed use building. The first two floors of this four story building house the co-op grocery store and its administrative offices, a bakery, and commercial space aimed to support local vendors. The first floor’s roof extends into an accessible green roof above with a pocket park and an outdoor cafe below. The upper two floors are designed for 24 affordable one bedroom apartments. New parking areas, pedestrian walkways and outside seating, café, and market areas provide a sense of community and place for chance meetings.
Sited at the town’s major intersection, the Co-op Plaza caps the end of Brattleboro’s four story vibrant downtown presence at its most visible point (previously a parking lot).
Notable energy efficiency was gained through both conventional, passive, and innovative systems. The marketplace is day lit via skylights, and open office spaces have louvers which bounce daylight deep into the space as well as awnings to block direct sun. The building is entirely heated with reclaimed waste heat from the store refrigeration system. Much design effort was made to make the store an educational tool for responsible building practices.
"AIA Vermont Design Awards Jury Comments: A modest project that uses the new building to remediate an urban condition – the urban gesture is subtle and effective. The materials, colors and composition of the façade acknowledge the existing context and break down the scale of the new intervention."
– AIA Vermont Design Awards Jury